My Iron Lung

  如果Radiohead把My Iron Lung歌名改成My Iron Liver,應該會廣受台灣大學生歡迎,不過「We're to young to fall asleep」這句歌詞仍恰如其分的成為咱們的座右銘。

  至於Iron Lung到底是什麼,Wiki有詳盡的解釋,我想我們最好一輩子都用不上。鐵肺所帶來的麻煩和壓力,意在表達Radiohead因92年的<Creep>一曲爆紅後,所面臨的種種。但縱使這首歌是這麼寫了,歌詞也尖銳骯髒的罵了,Thom仍一輩子脫離不了唱<Creep>的命運吧!就像歌迷都希望Kurt唱<Smells Like Teen Spirit>,柏蒼總會唱<感官駕馭>一樣。


Album Version


Faith.. you're driving me away
You do it everyday
You dont mean it but it hurts like hell.
My brain.. says Im recieving pain
A lack of oxygen from my life support
My iron lung.

We're to young to fall asleep
To cynical to speak
We are loosing it, cant you tell?
We scratch.. our eternal itch
Out 20th century bitch
And we are grateful of our
Iron lung.

Suck.. suck your teenage thumb
Toilet trained and dumb
When the power runs out, well just hum.
This.. is our new song
Just like the last one
At total waste of time.
My iron lung

(the headshrinkers they want everything)
(my uncle bill, my belisha beacon)

And if youre frightened, you can be frightened
You can be x ok!!
Anf if youre frightened, you can be frightened
You can be x-ok!!

(the headshrinkers they want everything)
(my uncle bill, my belisha beacon)

    創作者 郭阿純 的頭像


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